Document with valid digital signature popup from signature annotation

Android Digital Signatures Library Secure Digital Signatures in Your Android App

Certified, encrypted, and secure document signing workflows.


Certificate-Based, Encrypted, and Secure

Proof of Authenticity

A digital signature on a PDF document is reliable proof of the document’s origin.

Protection against Modification

An encrypted hash is used to verify that a document hasn’t been tampered with.

Biometric Signatures

Our digital signatures are created with additional biometric properties for added safety.

eIDAS-Compliant Digital Signature API

Supports CAdES signatures, including basic (B-B) and cryptographic timestamp (B-T) levels.


Robust and Secure Digital Signing Features

Visual Signature Representation

Effortlessly view and insert visual representations of digital signatures within PDF documents, ensuring clarity and professionalism in all your important documents.

Digital Signing Methods

Create digital signatures using the adobe.pkcs7.detached method, supporting RSA and ECDSA signing algorithms, along with multiple hashing options, including MD4, MD5, and SHA-2 variants.

Signature Validation

Use PAdES signatures for documents with expired certificates, and long-term validation (LTV) for reliable long-term document verification.

Signing Workflows

Adopt two-phase digital signing processes that integrate seamlessly with hardware security modules (HSMs) and third-party signing services of your choice.

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Which One Is for You?

PSPDFKit supports both hand-drawn signatures and encrypted, digital certificate-based signatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Try browsing our documentation, or contact us.

Documentation Learn how to easily get Digital Signatures up and running in your project.
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