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Kotlin-Ready Online Guides

Illustration: Kotlin-Ready Online Guides

Our Android guides for PSPDFKit received a large update – now with Kotlin usage examples. Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language, and is currently booming for Android development.

Our guides now sport articles about all relevant parts of PSPDFKit, both for iOS and Android – giving detailed code examples in the selected language.

Java & Kotlin code switching

Syntax highlighting is done via Rouge, a ruby based syntax highlighter which we were already using for highlighting all of our Java, Objective-C, and Swift code examples. Since the Kotlin lexer is still a work-in-progress (it’s an open PR at the Rouge repo) we went ahead and forked Rouge to our PSPDFKit-Labs GitHub organization and added some tweaks (Update: the changes from our fork were merged). Special thanks to Matt Ellis for creating the original pull request.

If you’re an Android developer using Kotlin and PSPDFKit, please let us know – we would be happy if you would send us your feedback and further ideas.

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