Render the Visible Area of the Current Page
To render the visible area of the current page, render the page as an image and crop it to the visible area:
function getPageVisibleRect(pageIndex) { // Page DOM element. const pageEl = instance.contentDocument.querySelector( `.PSPDFKit-Page[data-page-index="${pageIndex}"]` ); const pageBoundingClientRect = pageEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // Viewport DOM element. const viewportEl = instance.contentDocument.querySelector( ".PSPDFKit-Viewport" ); // Toolbar DOM element, which needs offsetting. const toolbarEl = instance.contentDocument.querySelector( ".PSPDFKit-Toolbar" ); // Get the visible page area in page units. return instance.transformContentClientToPageSpace( new PSPDFKit.Geometry.Rect({ left: Math.max(pageBoundingClientRect.left, 0), top: Math.max(, toolbarEl.scrollHeight), width: Math.min(pageEl.clientWidth, viewportEl.clientWidth), height: Math.min(pageEl.clientHeight, viewportEl.clientHeight) }), pageIndex ); } async function cropVisiblePageArea() { const pageIndex = instance.viewState.currentPageIndex; const { width } = instance.pageInfoForIndex(pageIndex); const imageUrl = await instance.renderPageAsImageURL( { width: width * devicePixelRatio }, pageIndex ); const img = document.createElement("img"); img.onload = () => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const pageRect = getPageVisibleRect(pageIndex); // Use an HDPI canvas to get a good resolution image on any device. const HDPIPageRect = pageRect.scale(devicePixelRatio); canvas.width = HDPIPageRect.width; canvas.height = HDPIPageRect.height; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage( img, HDPIPageRect.left,, HDPIPageRect.width, HDPIPageRect.height, 0, 0, HDPIPageRect.width, HDPIPageRect.height ); // The canvas now contains the cropped page area that is currently visible. }; img.src = imageUrl; }
This function creates a canvas element, which can be used to obtain an image using, for example, toDataURL()
or toBlob()
This has been tested with PSPDFKit for Web 2020.2.4.