Convert PDFs to Images Using JavaScript
With PSPDFKit for Web, you can render independent pages of a PDF document and save them as images. If the document contains any annotations, they’ll be rendered over the page background.
Rendering and Exporting a Specific Page as an Image
The following example uses the FileSaver.js polyfill to save a single page as a PNG file to a computer by means of instance.renderPageAsImageURL()
import { saveAs } from "file-saver"; const instance = await PSPDFKit.load({ ...otherOptions, document: "" }); async function savePagePNG(pageIndex) { // Get page width. const { width } = instance.pageInfoForIndex(pageIndex); // Render page. const src = await instance.renderPageAsImageURL({ width }, pageIndex); // Save the image as a PNG. saveAs(src, `pdf-page-${pageIndex}.png`); } // Usage: Export page 3 as an image. savePagePNG(3);