Securing PDFs by Adding Watermarks on iOS

Adding a non-removable watermark to documents can discourage viewers from sharing your content or taking screenshots. For an additional layer of security, you can use a custom watermark for each individual user that contains identifying information such as their name, timestamp, and ID. This makes it easier to trace any leaks backs to the source.

PSPDFKit enables you to draw a permanent watermark on all pages of a document. The example below shows how to generate a PDF with a watermark on all its pages using the Processor API:

// Create a default configuration.
let configuration = Processor.Configuration(document: document)!

configuration.drawOnAllCurrentPages { context, pageIndex, pageRect, renderOptions in
    // Careful. This code is executed on background threads. Only use thread-safe drawing methods.
    let text = "PSPDF Live Watermark On Page \(pageIndex + 1)"
    let stringDrawingContext = NSStringDrawingContext()
    stringDrawingContext.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1

    // Add text over the diagonal of the page.
    context.translateBy(x: 0, y: pageRect.size.height / 2)
    context.rotate(by: -.pi / 4)
    let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
        .font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30),
    text.draw(with: pageRect, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: attributes, context: stringDrawingContext)

// Start the conversion from `document` to `processedDocumentURL`.
let processor = Processor(configuration: configuration, securityOptions: documentSecurityOptions)
try processor.write(toFileURL: processedDocumentURL)

The method above will write a new document to the URL pointed to by the processedDocumentURL argument. The resulting PDF file will have a permanent watermark on all of its pages, even when opened in other PDF editors.

Adding a Temporary Watermark

You can also add a temporary watermark as a rendering on the document pages without generating a new PDF. This temporary watermark isn’t a part of the document, and it won’t be saved to disk even if you call the document’s save method. Here’s how to add a temporary watermark:

let renderBlock: PSPDFRenderDrawBlock =  { context, pageIndex, pageRect, renderOptions in
    // Careful. This code is executed on background threads. Only use thread-safe drawing methods.
    let text = "PSPDF Live Watermark On Page \(pageIndex + 1)"
    let stringDrawingContext = NSStringDrawingContext()
    stringDrawingContext.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1

    // Add text over the diagonal of the page.
    context.translateBy(x: 0, y: pageRect.size.height / 2)
    context.rotate(by: -.pi / 4)
    let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
        .font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30),
    text.draw(with: pageRect, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: attributes, context: stringDrawingContext)

document.updateRenderOptions(for: .page) {
    $0.drawBlock = renderBlock

For more details, see DrawOnPagesExample.swift from PSPDFKit Catalog.