Example Projects for iOS PDF Library

PSPDFKit ships with a few example projects to help you get up and running faster. These projects can be found on GitHub in source-available repositories.

PSPDFKit Catalog

The Catalog example project contains more than 100 code examples. In this project, you’ll find sample code for:

  • PDFViewController customizations

  • Toolbar customizations

  • Annotation processing with Processor

  • Document editing with PDFDocumentEditor

  • Multimedia annotations like videos and GIFs

  • Forms and digital signatures

  • Security-related topics like encryption and password protection

  • Import/export formats like XFDF and JSON

  • Lots of other use cases

💡 Tip: PSPDFKit Catalog also contains the Tabbed Bar example, which lets you open any document in the Samples folder. This means you just have to put your document into Samples and you can open it in the Tabbed Bar example with no customization needed. You can also drag PDFs onto iOS Simulator to open the documents in Catalog (unless there are other apps installed that also handle opening PDFs).

The catalog is also available as a source-available project on GitHub.

Minimal Example

The Minimal example project shows how to perform a minimal PSPDFKit integration in a basic iOS application. It also contains code for simple use cases of Processor and PDFLibrary. The example is written in Swift, and it’s available on GitHub.

SwiftUI Document Browser

The SwiftUI Document Browser example project shows how to display a document browser in SwiftUI, allowing you to open and create PDF documents. This example project is available on GitHub as a source-available project.