Download Our Android Library

This page lists the latest version of PSPDFKit available for manual integrations of our Android PDF Library.

To see details about the recent changes, visit our changelog.

For instructions on how to use updated or new features, take a look at our migration guides.

Automated Integration

For most scenarios, the recommended way of integrating PSPDFKit for Android is using Gradle’s dependencies block. This way, Gradle will automatically download and integrate PSPDFKit for Android into your project with the least amount of effort. To learn more, see our separate guide about integrating PSPDFKit for Android using Gradle.

Direct Download

Here are download links for the latest stable PSPDFKit for Android AAR files, as well as the relevant integration guides. Please note that manual integration of AAR files isn’t recommended for most users.

Nightly Builds

In special situations, such as if you need to verify if a feature or bug fix is working as intended, you can use our nightly builds. Learn more about nightlies.

For new users, visit our free trial page to get started integrating PSPDFKit into your project.