Picture of a PDF Report document that can be converted to Excel format.

PDF-to-Excel SDK Powerful PDF Table Parser for Developers

Bring intelligent, automated table extraction to your web, server, or desktop application. Convert any unstructured document or scanned image to XLSX.

How It Works

Turn Complex Tables Into Rich Structured Data

GdPicture.NET SDK goes beyond traditional OCR, applying a unique hybrid adaptive approach that includes heuristics, mathematics, and machine learning to accurately convert complex tables into structured data.

Highly Accurate

This new paradigm breaks traditional table extraction barriers to achieve a higher degree of accuracy compared to pure AI/ML alternatives.

Up and Running in Minutes

No templates or training required. Software developers can quickly integrate our plug-and-play SDK into web, desktop, and server applications.

Comply with Privacy Requirements

Get end-to-end control over your data with a native SDK that works offline without internet access and doesn't send confidential documents to external software services.

Lightning Fast

A unique adaptive approach that adjusts to the document and processes documents entirely inside your application means tables are extracted in milliseconds, not seconds.

Launch Demo Get a feel for PSPDFKit functionalities in our Web demo.
Use Cases

Unlock the Data in Your Documents

Financial Analysis

Quickly and efficiently access data to make decisions more quickly by automatically extracting structured data from financial statements, which can be used to calculate financial ratios, compare financial performance across companies, and conduct scenario analyses.

Data Entry Automation

Automatically populate data fields in a database or other system by extracting structured tabular data from documents. Examples include patient data from electronic health records (EHRs), clinical trials, invoices, resumes, and government filings.

Documentation Learn how to easily get PDF to Excel up and running in your project.
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