Nightly Builds | iOS

Nightly builds represent our current development snapshot and contain unreleased features and fixes. Use nightly builds to verify if a feature or fix is working as intended. These builds are automated to run every weekday. No historical builds are kept: Each new build replaces the previous build.

Nightly builds haven’t undergone the same quality control process as our releases and might be built using a beta version of Xcode. As such, they aren’t suitable for use in production.

An unedited changelog listing the latest changes is included in the nightly DMG. This information isn’t available anywhere else.

These builds are currently incompatible with TestFlight due to the format of the CFBundleShortVersionString in the Info.plist.

Nightly builds can be installed using manual integration or CocoaPods, but not using Swift Package Manager.

Installing Nightly Builds with Manual Integration

Follow the instructions for getting started with PSPDFKit using manual integration, but download the nightly DMG instead of the latest DMG.

Installing Nightly Builds with CocoaPods

Follow the instructions for getting started with PSPDFKit using CocoaPods, but use nightly.podspec instead of latest.podspec. Your Podfile should look like this:


target :YourTargetName do
	pod 'PSPDFKit',
	    podspec: ''