Configuring the Printing Process in C#

This guide explains how to configure printing programmatically with GdPicture.NET SDK.

The following methods work for both the GdPicturePDF class and the GdPictureImaging class:

  • PrintSetActivePrinter

  • PrintSetAlignment

  • PrintSetAutoRotation

  • PrintSetCollate

  • PrintSetColorMode

  • PrintSetCopies

  • PrintSetDocumentName

  • PrintSetDuplexMode

  • PrintSetFromToPage

  • PrintSetOrientation

  • PrintSetPageSelection

  • PrintSetPaperBin

  • PrintSetPaperSize

  • PrintSetPrinterSettings

  • PrintSetQuality

  • PrintSetShowPrintingProgress

  • PrintSetStdPaperSize

  • PrintSetUserPaperSize

The following methods only work for the GdPictureImaging class:

  • PrintSetPreRasterization

  • PrintSetPreRasterizationDPI