Product Activation

PSPDFKit Document Engine is a commercial product, and each installation needs to be activated according to your license. Please contact our Sales team for procurement.

License Types

PSPDFKit Document Engine offers two types of licenses:

  • Online license

  • Offline license

Online License

To activate an online license, you need to provide an ACTIVATION_KEY, which you configure as part of the Document Engine container environment — for example, in the Helm values file.

The first time the Document Engine container is started, it’ll authenticate the key against the PSPDFKit Licensing Service and store the license-related data either in the configured database, or, if the container was started without the database configured, in memory.

Document Engine pings the Licensing Service regularly to verify its license and download updated license information. It also sends anonymous usage analytics to the PSPDFKit Licensing Service. These analytics help us in diagnosing issues and improving the product.


When using an online license, the Document Engine container needs to be able to contact the server.

Offline License

To activate an offline license, you need to provide a LICENSE_KEY, which you configure as part of the Document Engine container environment — for example, in the Helm values file.

Each time the Document Engine container is started, it’ll validate the license key offline and store the license-related data either in the configured database, or, if the container was started without the database configured, in memory.

When using an offline license, Document Engine doesn’t ping the PSPDFKit Licensing Service, nor does it collect any analytics. Any updates to the license must be handled manually, and the Document Engine instance must be restarted.