Cropping PDF Pages on Android

PSPDFKit for Android lets you crop the pages of a document using the Processor API. To do this, load your document and then configure the parameters for page cropping on a PdfProcessorTask instance:

val task = PdfProcessorTask.fromDocument(document)
// Crop the page to 200×200 pt.
task.setPageBox(0, PdfBox.CROP_BOX, RectF(0f, 0f, 200f, 200f))
val outputFile = File(context.filesDir, "cropped-document.pdf")
PdfProcessor.processDocument(task, outputFile)
final PdfProcessorTask task = PdfProcessorTask.fromDocument(document);
// Crop the page to 200×200 pt.
task.setPageBox(0, PdfBox.CROP_BOX, new RectF(0, 0, 200, 200));
final File outputFile = new File(context.getFilesDir(), "cropped-document.pdf");
PdfProcessor.processDocument(task, outputFile);

To learn more about how to define the crop box, please consult our coordinate space conversions guide.

ℹ️ Note: Cropping pages with the Processor API is only available if you have the Document Editor enabled in your license.