Document Security on Android

Protect the content of PDF documents from editing, copying, and unauthorized distribution with PSPDFKit for Android. It offers developers a way to encrypt or decrypt PDFs, add a password, insert a dynamic watermark, and more.

PSPDFKit SDKs are deployed in some of the world’s most popular applications, such as those made by Autodesk, Disney, UBS, Dropbox, IBM, and Lufthansa.

Key Capabilities

  • AES-256 encryption – Transparently decrypt data in the client

  • Data security – Unencrypted data isn’t written to disk

  • Dynamic watermarks – Add user identifiers to the PDF

  • Disable PDF export – Remove the download button

  • Set and enforce permissions – Disable printing and copying

  • Password protected – Programmatically unlock PDF documents

  • Extendable – Add digital signatures, redaction, and more

Guides for Document Security

Introduction to Encryption
Learn about the basics of PDF encryption

Add a Password
How to add password-protection to a PDF document

Encrypt with AES
How to encrypt PDF documents with AES encryption

Decrypt AES Files
How to programmatically decrypt AES-256 encrypted PDFs in-memory

Prevent Sharing
How to exclude the bar button items that allow sharing

Set Permissions
How to set permissions for printing, copying, editing, and more

Add a Watermark
How to add non-removable dynamic watermarks to PDF documents

Free Trial

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