Interface: AnnotationsSidebarOptions


The annotations sidebar options allows to specify options available for the annotations sidebar. Currently, you can define a includeContent array in which you can provide a list of annotation classes to be accepted as part of the annotations sidebar, or also whether to include PSPDFKit.Comment instances or not. By default, the value of includeContent is PSPDFKit.defaultAnnotationsSidebarContent.

Name Type Description
includeContent Array.<(PSPDFKit.AnnotationsUnionClass|Class.<PSPDFKit.Comment>)>

Array of annotation classes to be accepted as part of the annotations sidebar

Default Value:
  • PSPDFKit.defaultAnnotationsSidebarContent


Customizing the annotations sidebar to include only PSPDFKit.ImageAnnotation instances

  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarOptions: {
      [PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.ANNOTATIONS]: {
        includeContent: [PSPDFKit.Annotations.ImageAnnotation]

See also