GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPicturePDF Class / GetOCGCount Method

GetOCGCount Method (GdPicturePDF)
Returns the number of the optional content group (OCG) entries defined in the currently loaded PDF document.

Optional Content Groups, also knows as Layers, are a very effective tool to control the visibility of the page content, that can be selectively viewed or hidden, by users or viewers.

Public Function GetOCGCount() As Integer

Return Value

The number of OCG entries (layers) defined in the document. The GdPicturePDF.GetStat method can be subsequently used to determine if this method has been successful.
This method is only allowed for use with non-encrypted documents.

It is recommend to use the GdPicturePDF.GetStat method to identify the specific reason for the method's failure, if any.

How to find out the number of layers defined in the PDF document and enumerate them subsequently.
Dim gdpicturePDF As New GdPicturePDF()
Dim status As GdPictureStatus = gdpicturePDF.LoadFromFile("test.pdf", False)
If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
    Dim output As String = ""
    Dim ocgCount As Integer = gdpicturePDF.GetOCGCount()
    status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
    If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
        output = "The number of OCG layers: " + ocgCount.ToString()
        Dim OcgId As Integer = 0
        Dim title As String = ""
        Dim state As PdfOcgState = PdfOcgState.Undefined
        Dim onOff As Boolean = False
        For i As Integer = 0 To ocgCount - 1
            output = output + vbCrLf + "Nr." + (i + 1).ToString() + ": "
            OcgId = gdpicturePDF.GetOCG(i)
            status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
            If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                title = gdpicturePDF.GetOCGTitle(OcgId)
                status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
                If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    output = output + "Title = " + title.ToString()
                    output = output + "Title = Error (" + status.ToString() + ")"
                End If
                state = gdpicturePDF.GetOCGViewState(OcgId)
                status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
                If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    output = output + " ; View = " + state.ToString()
                    output = output + " ; View = Error (" + status.ToString() + ")"
                End If
                state = gdpicturePDF.GetOCGExportState(OcgId)
                status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
                If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    output = output + " ; Export = " + state.ToString()
                    output = output + " ; Export = Error (" + status.ToString() + ")"
                End If
                state = gdpicturePDF.GetOCGPrintState(OcgId)
                status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
                If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    output = output + " ; Print = " + state.ToString()
                    output = output + " ; Print = Error (" + status.ToString() + ")"
                End If
                onOff = gdpicturePDF.GetOCGLockedState(OcgId)
                status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
                If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    output = output + " ; Locked = " + onOff.ToString()
                    output = output + " ; Locked = Error (" + status.ToString() + ")"
                End If
                output = output + "The GetOCG() method has failed with the status: " + status.ToString()
            End If
        MessageBox.Show(output, "Example: GetOCGCount")
        MessageBox.Show("The GetOCGCount() method has failed with the status: " + status.ToString(), "Example: GetOCGCount")
    End If
    MessageBox.Show("The file can't be loaded.", "Example: GetOCGCount")
End If
See Also