GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPicturePDF Class / SearchText Method

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SearchText Method (GdPicturePDF)
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Searches for an occurrence of a given text expression within the current page of the loaded PDF document applying either the Ordinal or the InvariantCulture comparison.
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Searches for an occurrence of a given text expression within the current page of the loaded PDF document according to the parameters you have specified. This method returns the bounding box (rectangle) surrounding the searched expression defined by its top left coordinates and by its width and height in inches, if the expression has been found.

This method uses the InvariantCulture comparison when searching. It means, that characters are comparing using culture-sensitive sort rules and the invariant culture, in other words this method respects accents when searching.

Searches for an occurrence of a given text expression within the current page of the loaded PDF document according to the parameters you have specified. This method returns the bounding box (rectangle) surrounding the searched expression defined by its top left coordinates and by its width and height in inches, if the expression has been found.

You can benefit from selecting the comparison option using this method, in other words, you can search respecting accents or not in the given text expression.

Searches for an occurrence of a given text expression within the current page of the loaded PDF document according to the parameters you have specified. This method returns bounding box surrounding the searched expression or set of bounding boxes in case the searched expression spans across multiple lines, defined by its top left coordinates and by its width and height in inches, if the expression has been found.

You can benefit from selecting the comparison option using this method, in other words, you can search respecting accents or not in the given text expression.

Searches for an occurrence of a given text expression within the current page of the loaded PDF document according to the parameters you have specified. This method returns the bounding box (rectangle) surrounding the searched expression defined by its top left coordinates and by its width and height in inches, if the expression has been found.

You can benefit from selecting the comparison option using this method, in other words, you can search respecting accents or not in the given text expression.

Searches for an occurrence of a given text expression within the current page of the loaded PDF document according to the parameters you have specified. This method returns bounding box surrounding the searched expression or set of bounding boxes in case the searched expression spans across multiple lines, defined by its top left coordinates and by its width and height in inches, if the expression has been found.

You can benefit from selecting the comparison option using this method, in other words, you can search respecting accents or not in the given text expression.

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