Class SharingOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SharingOptions

    Options for document processing during the sharing process.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SharingOptions

        SharingOptions(PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode annotationProcessingMode)
        Constructs options for sharing document with all pages and default document name.
        annotationProcessingMode - Describes how annotations will be processed by before sharing.
      • SharingOptions

        SharingOptions(PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode annotationProcessingMode, List<Range> pages)
        Constructs options for sharing document with default document name.
        annotationProcessingMode - Describes how annotations will be processed by before sharing.
        pages - Range of pages for sharing.
      • SharingOptions

        SharingOptions(String documentName)
        Constructs options for sharing document with all annotations and pages.
        documentName - Name of the document that will be sued while sharing.
      • SharingOptions

        SharingOptions(PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode annotationProcessingMode, List<Range> pages, String documentName)
        Constructs options for sharing document.
        annotationProcessingMode - Describes how annotations will be processed by before sharing.
        pages - Range of pages for sharing.
        documentName - Name of the document that will be sued while sharing.