Class PdfProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class PdfProcessor

    Copy, merge or modify PDF documents. It also allows flattening and filtering of annotation data.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • processDocumentAsync

        @NonNull() static Flowable<PdfProcessor.ProcessorProgress> processDocumentAsync(@NonNull() PdfProcessorTask task, @NonNull() File outputFile)

        Starts the document processing, using the default DocumentSaveOptions for the processed document.

        NOTE: Returned observable doesn't have target thread set so use subscribeOn to choose the thread to run processing on.

        task - Defined processing task.
        outputFile - Output PDF file to be written.

        Observable which will periodically emit progress objects until processing is complete.

      • processDocumentAsync

        @NonNull() static Flowable<PdfProcessor.ProcessorProgress> processDocumentAsync(@NonNull() PdfProcessorTask task, @NonNull() File outputFile, @NonNull() DocumentSaveOptions saveOptions)

        Starts the document processing.

        NOTE: Returned observable doesn't have target thread set so use subscribeOn to choose the thread to run processing on.

        task - Defined processing task.
        outputFile - Output PDF file to be written.
        saveOptions - Save options defining password protection, permissions, etc.

        Observable which will periodically emit progress objects until processing is complete.

      • processDocumentAsync

        @NonNull() static Flowable<PdfProcessor.ProcessorProgress> processDocumentAsync(@NonNull() PdfProcessorTask task, @NonNull() OutputStream outputStream, @NonNull() DocumentSaveOptions saveOptions)

        Starts the document processing.

        NOTE: This does not work with stripEmptyPages as it needs to reopen processed document which is not possible with OutputStream.

        NOTE: Returned observable doesn't have target thread set so use subscribeOn to choose the thread to run processing on.

        task - Defined processing task.
        outputStream - Output stream for writing output PDF data.
        saveOptions - Save options defining password protection, permissions, etc.

        Observable which will periodically emit progress objects until processing is complete.

      • processDocument

         static void processDocument(@NonNull() PdfProcessorTask task, @NonNull() File outputFile)

        Starts the document processing on current thread. This will use the default for the processed document.

        NOTE: Document processing can take time do not run it on main thread.

        task - Defined processing task.
        outputFile - Output PDF file to be written.
      • processDocument

         static void processDocument(@NonNull() PdfProcessorTask task, @NonNull() File outputFile, @NonNull() DocumentSaveOptions saveOptions)

        Starts the document processing on current thread.

        NOTE: Document processing can take time do not run it on main thread.

        task - Defined processing task.
        outputFile - Output PDF file to be written.
        saveOptions - Save options defining password protection, permissions, etc.