Class TextSearch

    • Method Detail

      • performSearch

        @NonNull() List<SearchResult> performSearch(@NonNull() String searchString)

        Performs a search on the loaded document, returning a list of all search results. This method will use the default search options. If search does not find any results, this method will return an empty list.

        searchString - Text to find in the document.
      • performSearch

        @NonNull() List<SearchResult> performSearch(@NonNull() String searchString, @NonNull() SearchOptions searchOptions)

        Performs a search on the loaded document, returning a list of all search results. If search does not find any results, this method will return an empty list.

        searchString - Text to find in the document.
        searchOptions - Options for performing search.
      • performSearchAsync

        @NonNull() Flowable<SearchResult> performSearchAsync(@NonNull() String searchString)

        Performs a search on the loaded document. The returned flowable will emit search results or an error if search failed for some reason. The returned flowable uses BackpressureStrategy#BUFFER. This method will use the default search options.

        searchString - Text to find in the document.
      • performSearchAsync

        @NonNull() Flowable<SearchResult> performSearchAsync(@NonNull() String searchString, @NonNull() SearchOptions searchOptions)

        Performs a search on the loaded document. The returned flowable will emit search results or an error if search failed for some reason. The returned flowable uses BackpressureStrategy#BUFFER.

        searchString - Text to find in the document.
        searchOptions - Options for performing search.