GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / TwainCloseSourceManager Method / TwainCloseSourceManager(IntPtr) Method
A Window Handle IE: Me.Handle. In most applications you can use nothing but on Citrix and WTS, this must be a top-level window or a child of a top level window.

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TwainCloseSourceManager(IntPtr) Method
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Closes the Data Source Manager. If a source is open, disables and closes it as needed.
Public Overloads Function TwainCloseSourceManager( _
   ByVal HANDLE As IntPtr _
) As Boolean
public bool TwainCloseSourceManager( 
   IntPtr HANDLE
public function TwainCloseSourceManager( 
    HANDLE: IntPtr
): Boolean; 
public function TwainCloseSourceManager( 
   HANDLE : IntPtr
) : boolean;
public: bool TwainCloseSourceManager( 
   IntPtr HANDLE
bool TwainCloseSourceManager( 
   IntPtr HANDLE


A Window Handle IE: Me.Handle. In most applications you can use nothing but on Citrix and WTS, this must be a top-level window or a child of a top level window.

Return Value

True if success, else False -> Use TwainGetLastResultCode() and TwainGetLastConditionCode() methods for diagnosing the error. If the Source Manager is not open, does nothing and returns TRUE.
If success, the twain state must be <= 2 (TWAIN_SM_LOADED). To get the TWAIN state, use the TwainGetState() method.
See Also