
A factory for creating new pages using the NewPageDialog. This factory requires a to show the dialog.


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constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager)
Constructor taking the required FragmentManager.
constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable documentPageSize: Size)
Constructor taking the required FragmentManager and an optional Size that should be used as default in the NewPageDialog.
constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable documentPageSize: Size, @Nullable pageTemplates: List<PageTemplate>)
Constructor taking the required FragmentManager, an optional Size that should be used as default in the NewPageDialog, and optional PageTemplates for the user to choose from.
constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable documentPageSize: Size, @Nullable pageTemplates: List<PageTemplate>, showPageTemplatesLast: Boolean)
Constructor taking the required FragmentManager, an optional Size that should be used as default in the NewPageDialog, and optional PageTemplates for the user to choose from.


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This method is called every time the factory should create a NewPage instance.