
abstract class PdfConfiguration : Parcelable

Configuration for the core of PSPDFKit rendering engine. To create the configuration use the Builder.


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class Builder
Builder used to construct PdfConfiguration instance.


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Default ID for progress drawable


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Indicates whether multiple bookmarks per page can be added or not, defaults to false.
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Indicates whether page changes triggered by tapping the page edge cause an animation.
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Indicates whether we should automatically detect the stylus.
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Which parts of the annotation replies UI are enabled.
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Document paper color (white is default).
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Returns a list of annotation types that should be editable.
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Returns a list of annotation tools that should be enabled.
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Indicates which supported share features are enabled in the UI.
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Returns a list of annotation types that will be excluded from rendering.
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abstract fun getFitMode(): PageFitMode
Fit mode of the document (fit-to-screen is default).
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Returns fixed low resolution render pixel count or null.
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@Size(min = 2, multiple = 2)
abstract fun getGuideLineIntervals(): List<Float>
Defines guide line on/off intervals sizes.
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Layout mode of the document (AUTO is default).
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Returns drawable for the throbber displayed while loading the document.
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abstract fun getMaxZoomScale(): Float
Maximum zoom scale in the document.
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abstract fun getMemoryCacheSize(): Int
Size of the memory cache (defaults to 1/4 of the available heap size).
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Indicates whether the outline elements expanded or collapsed.
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abstract fun getPagePadding(): Int
The padding between pages (defaults to 16dp).
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0)
abstract fun getResizeGuideSnapAllowance(): Float
Defines aggressiveness of snapping to guide lines.
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Scroll direction of the document (horizontal is default).
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Scroll mode of the document (per-page is default).
Indicates whether the font scaling when resizing Freetext annotations with the bottom right handle is enabled.
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Indicates whether the selected annotation resizing is enabled or not.
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Indicates whether the annotation selection resize guide lines are enabled or not.
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Defines the appearance of the digital signature that is added after digitally signing a document.
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Defines the signature color options available when using the "Draw" or "Type" signing UI.
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The ways in which the user can choose to add their signature.
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The orientation to use for the signature picker, defaults to AUTOMATIC.
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The saving strategy used when adding signatures.
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abstract fun getStartZoomScale(): Float
The scale at which the document should start.
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abstract fun getThemeMode(): ThemeMode
Theme mode of the whole app (DEFAULT is default).
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Indicates whether the annotation editing is enabled or not.
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Indicates whether the annotation creation and editing inspectors are enabled.
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Indicates whether the annotations are limited to the page bounds.
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Whether the annotation popup toolbar is enabled or not.
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Indicates whether the annotation rotation is enabled or not.
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Whether we automatically generating link annotations for links in the document text is enabled or not.
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abstract fun isAutosaveEnabled(): Boolean
Whether document autosave is enabled.
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Indicates whether the auto select next form element functionality is enabled or not (defaults to false).
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Indicates whether the content editing is enabled or not.
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abstract fun isCopyPasteEnabled(): Boolean
Whether copy and paste operations are enabled for annotations.
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Whether the first page should always be displayed as a single or not, false by default.
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Indicates whether the form editing is enabled or not.
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Indicates whether the date and time pickers should be enabled for according form elements (defaults to true)
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abstract fun isInvertColors(): Boolean
If the page colors should be inverted (defaults to false).
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Controls whether JavaScript processing is enabled.
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Whether restoration of the last viewed page when reopening a document is enabled or not.
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abstract fun isMagnifierEnabled(): Boolean
Indicates whether the magnifier is shown when: - The text selection handles are touched.
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Indicates whether the measurement tools are enabled or not.
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Controls whether multithreaded rendering is enabled, defaults to true.
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Whether handling for NOZOOM flag for note annotations is enabled.
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Whether playing multiple media instances is enabled or not.
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abstract fun isRedoEnabled(): Boolean
Whether redoing undone edits is enabled.
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If the default document scrollbars should be enabled (defaults to true).
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If text selection (programmatically and via long-press) is enabled (defaults to true).
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Whether the text selection popup toolbar is enabled or not.
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abstract fun isToGrayscale(): Boolean
Should the page colors be converted to grayscale (defaults to false).
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abstract fun isUndoEnabled(): Boolean
Whether undoing edits is enabled.
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Whether video playback is enabled in document.
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Indicates whether tapping on the page edge causes the page to scroll.
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abstract fun scrollOnEdgeTapMargin(): Int
The margin in DP in which taps on the page edge trigger page navigation.
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Should the zoom out below the minimum zoom have a bounce-back effect on a page.
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Whether to show gap between pages in double page mode or not.
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Indicates whether the NoteEditor should be shown automatically when creating new note.
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Indicates whether the sign here overlay is shown on signature form fields.
Indicates whether the annotations are limited to the page bounds.