Package-level declarations


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data class PopupMenuAppearance(val colors: PopupMenuColors, val elevation: Dp = 3.dp, val shape: Shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp), val containerHorizontalPadding: Dp = 8.dp, val animationDuration: Int = 500)

Controls the appearance of the popup menu.

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data class PopupMenuColors(val backgroundColor: Color, val foregroundColor: Color)

The colors of the popup menu

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interface PopupMenuItem

A menu item for a popup menu.

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data class PopupMenuItemImpl(val text: String, val action: () -> Unit) : PopupMenuItem

Implementation of PopupMenuItem that works with a String

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data class PopupMenuItemResImpl(val context: Context, @StringRes val textId: Int, val action: () -> Unit) : PopupMenuItem

Implementation of PopupMenuItem that uses a string resource for the text

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data class PopupMenuState(val showPopup: Boolean = false, lastPress: Offset = Offset.Zero, val items: List<PopupMenuItem> = emptyList())

The state of the popup menu. Controls if, where and what items are shown in the popup menu. The bottom border of the Popup will be centered on the offset (as far as this is possible with keeping it within the bounds of the parent container).


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fun AnimatedPopup(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, properties: PopupProperties = PopupProperties(), expanded: Boolean, popupPositionProvider: PopupPositionProvider, onDismiss: () -> Unit? = null, enter: EnterTransition = fadeIn(), exit: ExitTransition = fadeOut(), content: @Composable AnimatedVisibilityScope.() -> Unit)

Animates the showing/hiding contents of a Popup

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fun calculatePdfToViewMatrix(pageSize: Size, scaleFactor: Float): Matrix

Calculate the matrix to transform PDF coordinates to view coordinates.

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fun ContinuousLayout(modifier: Modifier, config: SdkConfiguration, pageCount: Int, content: @Composable (Int, ZoomState) -> Unit)

Scrollable Container that holds list of all pdf pages

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fun DocumentPage(bitmap: Bitmap, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, description: String = "")

inner Pdf page used to render bitmap

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fun BoxScope.IndexView(index: String, paddingValues: PaddingValues)
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fun PerPageLayout(modifier: Modifier, config: SdkConfiguration, pageCount: Int, content: @Composable (Int) -> Unit)

Container that holds list of all pdf pages but displays one page at a time.

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fun PopupMenu(popupMenuState: PopupMenuState, appearance: PopupMenuAppearance = PopupMenuAppearance.default(), onDismiss: () -> Unit = {})

A popup menu that can be shown at a given offset. The menu items are shown in a row, and if there are more items than can fit in the row, a "more" button is shown. When the "more" button is clicked, the remaining items are shown in a dropdown. The menu will not exceed the bounds of its parent container

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fun SingleDocument(bitmap: Bitmap, pageIndex: Int, localZoomState: ZoomState? = null, pageSize: Size, textSelectionState: TextSelectionState)

Independent Composable that displays pdf bitmap and has text selection feature.