
Represents a source of audio data that can be embedded inside a SoundAnnotation.


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constructor(@NonNull audioDataProvider: DataProvider, @NonNull audioEncoding: AudioEncoding, @IntRange(from = 1) sampleRate: Int, @IntRange(from = 8) sampleSize: Int, @IntRange(from = 1) channels: Int, @Nullable description: String)
Constructs an embedded audio source with data served from a DataProvider.
constructor(@NonNull audioData: Array<Byte>, @NonNull audioEncoding: AudioEncoding, @IntRange(from = 1) sampleRate: Int, @IntRange(from = 8) sampleSize: Int, @IntRange(from = 1) channels: Int, @Nullable description: String)
Constructs an embedded audio source with data served from memory.


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Constant value returned from getDuration to signal an error during retrieval of the actual audio clip duration.
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Returns audio data description.
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open fun getDuration(): Long
Audio duration in millisecond.