Class RedactionView

  • All Implemented Interfaces: , android.view.KeyEvent.Callback , android.view.ViewManager , android.view.ViewParent , android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventSource

    public class RedactionView
    extends FrameLayout

    Responsible for the UI used to apply redactions.

    • Method Detail

      • setRedactionButtonVisible

         void setRedactionButtonVisible(boolean visible, boolean animate)

        Shows the button used to open the redaction menu.

        visible - true to make the button visible, false to hide it again.
        animate - true to perform an animation when showing it, false otherwise.
      • isRedactionButtonExpanded

         boolean isRedactionButtonExpanded()

        Returns true if redaction button is visible and expanded.


        true if redaction button is visible and expanded.

      • isButtonRedactionButtonVisible

         boolean isButtonRedactionButtonVisible()

        Returns true if redaction button is visible.


        true if redaction button is visible.

      • setBottomOffset

         void setBottomOffset(int bottomOffset)

        Sets the bottom offset for the redaction button, used to make sure it doesn't overlay any other view.

        bottomOffset - The offset to apply from the bottom in px.
      • getRedactionButtonWidth

         int getRedactionButtonWidth()

        Returns the width in pixels of the redaction button.


        the width in pixels of the redaction button.

      • isRedactionAnnotationPreviewEnabled

         boolean isRedactionAnnotationPreviewEnabled()

        Returns whether the redaction annotation preview mode is enabled or not.


        true if redaction annotation preview mode is enabled, false otherwise.

      • setRedactionAnnotationPreviewEnabled

         void setRedactionAnnotationPreviewEnabled(boolean enable)

        Enables or disables redaction annotation preview mode.

        enable - true to show redaction annotations as redacted, false to show them as marks.