Class AnnotationNoteHinter

    • Constructor Detail

      • AnnotationNoteHinter

        AnnotationNoteHinter(Context context)
    • Method Detail

      • getDrawablesForPage

        @NonNull() synchronized List<out PdfDrawable> getDrawablesForPage(@NonNull() Context context, @NonNull() PdfDocument document, @IntRange(from = 0) int pageIndex)

        Returns all drawables for the given document and pageIndex. The framework may call this method on any thread.

        context - Context for resource resolution.
        document - The currently loaded PdfDocument.
        pageIndex - Number of the page for which the drawables should be returned.

        A list of all drawables for the given document and page.

      • onAnnotationCreated

         void onAnnotationCreated(@NonNull() Annotation annotation)

        Called when annotation has been created.

        annotation - Annotation that has been created.
      • onAnnotationUpdated

         void onAnnotationUpdated(@NonNull() Annotation annotation)

        Called when existing annotation has changed.

        annotation - Annotation that has been changed.
      • onAnnotationRemoved

         void onAnnotationRemoved(@NonNull() Annotation annotation)

        Called when existing annotation has been removed.

        annotation - Annotation that has been removed.
      • onAnnotationZOrderChanged

         void onAnnotationZOrderChanged(int pageIndex, @NonNull() List<Annotation> oldOrder, @NonNull() List<Annotation> newOrder)

        Called when the z-order of annotations has changed on a specified page.

        pageIndex - Index of the page where the z-order has changed.
        oldOrder - The old order of annotations on the page.
        newOrder - The new order of annotations on the page.