Package Index

com.pspdfkit.api Top-level of the PSPDFKit API holding high level classes.
com.pspdfkit.api.annotations Classes that provide functionality to add, modify and remove annotations on a PDF.
com.pspdfkit.api.basic Holds classes which are common building blocks of PDFs and the PSPDFKit API.
com.pspdfkit.api.forms Classes that provide functionality to read and write form data.
com.pspdfkit.api.ocr Classes that enable Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to read text from images inside documents.
com.pspdfkit.api.projection Classes that provide functionality to convert to and from different coordinate spaces.
com.pspdfkit.api.providers Classes that describe how to read and write data from a medium, along with abstract classes to inherit from.
com.pspdfkit.api.redaction Classes that help automate redaction within a document.
com.pspdfkit.api.redaction.description Classes that describe where redactions should be added and applied.