Welcome to the WebAssembly Benchmark by PSPDFKit, a real-world benchmark based on PSPDFKit for Web. Want to know more about the benchmark? Read the announcement blog post.
You’re running the WebAssembly Benchmark! For browsers that don’t support Wasm, we made a benchmark that runs a JavaScript version of PSPDFKit for Web. You can find it here.
In this benchmark, we measure the rendering time for all pages using the Instance#renderPageAsArrayBuffer API.
In production, we use multiple techniques to replace part of the rendered PDF pages as you zoom in to deliver a sharp document at any zoom level and resolution.
In this benchmark, we use our search API to search some text programmatically.
In this benchmark, we export a PDF document to file, to InstantJSON, and to XFDF.
PSPDFKit developed a JSON spec for PDF annotations and form fields called InstantJSON. This is a modern and clean JSON spec that all PSPDFKit products use to import and export metadata.
PSPDFKit also comes with full XFDF support.
In this benchmark, we use our annotations API to programmatically create 100 annotations and then export them as a PDF.
The initialization process consists of three steps: downloading, compiling, and instantiation. In this benchmark, we ignore download time.
Read about how you can optimize startup time.
This test must run at the end to avoid penalizing browsers that run a baseline compiler first. In those cases, multiple initializations might start a background compilation which slows down tests that run afterwards.