GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / CropBlackBorders Method / CropBlackBorders(Int32,Single,Int32) Method
GdPicture image identifier.
Confidence threshold in percentage 0-100. Default value is 75.
Specifies the number of lines around the image which must be ignored.

In This Topic
CropBlackBorders(Int32,Single,Int32) Method
In This Topic
Detects and removes margins consisting of black color around a GdPicture image. It has a Confidence Parameter where if the lines and borders detection confidence exceeds this value they will be removed, and left as they are if the confidence in detecting them is less than the Confidence Parameter Value. It also has a SkipLinesCount which is the number of lines surrounding the image to be skipped and not considered as borders and removed.
Public Overloads Function CropBlackBorders( _
   ByVal ImageID As Integer, _
   ByVal Confidence As Single, _
   ByVal SkipLinesCount As Integer _
) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus CropBlackBorders( 
   int ImageID,
   float Confidence,
   int SkipLinesCount
public function CropBlackBorders( 
    ImageID: Integer;
    Confidence: Single;
    SkipLinesCount: Integer
): GdPictureStatus; 
public function CropBlackBorders( 
   ImageID : int,
   Confidence : float,
   SkipLinesCount : int
) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus CropBlackBorders( 
   int ImageID,
   float Confidence,
   int SkipLinesCount
GdPictureStatus CropBlackBorders( 
   int ImageID,
   float Confidence,
   int SkipLinesCount


GdPicture image identifier.
Confidence threshold in percentage 0-100. Default value is 75.
Specifies the number of lines around the image which must be ignored.

Return Value

A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration.

This method or an overload of it is used in the "Image Processing" Demo.

This method requires the Image Documents component to run.

This method requires the Image Documents component to run.

Removing the black margins from a black and white tiff image.
using (GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging())
    // LoadInMemory parameter is set to true in order to be able to update the input file.
    int imageID = gdpictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFile("image.tif", true);
    // Detect and remove the black margins using the custom parameters.
    gdpictureImaging.CropBlackBorders(imageID, 99, 1);
    gdpictureImaging.SaveAsTIFF(imageID, "image.tif", TiffCompression.TiffCompressionCCITT4);
See Also