GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPicturePDF Class / SetSignaturePosFromPlaceHolder Method

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SetSignaturePosFromPlaceHolder Method (GdPicturePDF)
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Sets up the coordinates and dimensions of the signature's bounding box within the current page of the loaded PDF document using the signature placeholder, in other words previously added empty signature form field.
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Sets up the coordinates and dimensions of the signature's bounding box within the current page of the loaded PDF document. This is the location, where the signature is placed after the successful signing of the current document. This method uses an empty signature form field specified by its index, so called signature placeholder, previously added by GdPicturePDF.AddSignatureFormField method, to inherit its coordinates and dimensions. If you omit this method in the signing process, or the width or the height of a placeholder are set to 0, the signature will not be drawn, that means it becomes invisible on the current page.  
Sets up the coordinates and dimensions of the signature's bounding box within the current page of the loaded PDF document. This is the location, where the signature is placed after the successful signing of the current document. This method uses an empty signature form field specified by its name, so called signature placeholder, previously added by GdPicturePDF.AddSignatureFormField method, to inherit its coordinates and dimensions. If you omit this method in the signing process, or the width or the height of a placeholder are set to 0, the signature will not be drawn, that means it becomes invisible on the current page.  
See Also