GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / GetSkewAngle Method / GetSkewAngle(Int32,Single,Single,Boolean) Method
GdPicture image identifier.
Maximum angle of research. IE: set 10 to perform a skew research about ±10 degrees. A value lower than 15 is suggested.
Determines the smallest angle of skew to detect. 0.25 is suggested. Higher value results in faster detection and vice-versa.
Determines if the engine must be optimistic in the skew detection. For example, set true when you know the image has a skew and false otherwise. If you do not know which to choose, suggested value is false.

In This Topic
GetSkewAngle(Int32,Single,Single,Boolean) Method
In This Topic
Determines the skew angle of an image in degrees. It has a parameter for max angle of research. It also has a minimum angle cut off value where smaller angles will be tolerated.
Public Overloads Function GetSkewAngle( _
   ByVal ImageID As Integer, _
   ByVal MaxAngleOfResearch As Single, _
   ByVal AngleStep As Single, _
   ByVal Optimistic As Boolean _
) As Single
public float GetSkewAngle( 
   int ImageID,
   float MaxAngleOfResearch,
   float AngleStep,
   bool Optimistic
public function GetSkewAngle( 
    ImageID: Integer;
    MaxAngleOfResearch: Single;
    AngleStep: Single;
    Optimistic: Boolean
): Single; 
public function GetSkewAngle( 
   ImageID : int,
   MaxAngleOfResearch : float,
   AngleStep : float,
   Optimistic : boolean
) : float;
public: float GetSkewAngle( 
   int ImageID,
   float MaxAngleOfResearch,
   float AngleStep,
   bool Optimistic
float GetSkewAngle( 
   int ImageID,
   float MaxAngleOfResearch,
   float AngleStep,
   bool Optimistic


GdPicture image identifier.
Maximum angle of research. IE: set 10 to perform a skew research about ±10 degrees. A value lower than 15 is suggested.
Determines the smallest angle of skew to detect. 0.25 is suggested. Higher value results in faster detection and vice-versa.
Determines if the engine must be optimistic in the skew detection. For example, set true when you know the image has a skew and false otherwise. If you do not know which to choose, suggested value is false.

Return Value

Image skew in degrees.
Use the GetStat() method to determine if this method has succeeded.

This method requires the Image Documents component to run.

See Also