GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream Method / CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream(IStream,Boolean) Method
An IStream object storing the image data.
When True, only image properties, metadata and embedded thumbnail will be loaded. This parameter is particularly useful to obtain image information's without decoding it. Be careful not to call subsequent methods that need to access pixel data if this parameter is set to True.

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CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream(IStream,Boolean) Method
In This Topic
Creates a new GdPicture image from an image stored into an IStream Object.
Public Overloads Function CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream( _
   ByVal Stream As IStream, _
   ByVal DirectAccess As Boolean _
) As Integer
public int CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream( 
   IStream Stream,
   bool DirectAccess
public function CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream( 
    Stream: IStream;
    DirectAccess: Boolean
): Integer; 
public function CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream( 
   Stream : IStream,
   DirectAccess : boolean
) : int;
public: int CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream( 
   IStream* Stream,
   bool DirectAccess
int CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream( 
   IStream^ Stream,
   bool DirectAccess


An IStream object storing the image data.
When True, only image properties, metadata and embedded thumbnail will be loaded. This parameter is particularly useful to obtain image information's without decoding it. Be careful not to call subsequent methods that need to access pixel data if this parameter is set to True.

Return Value

0: The image could not be created. Use the GetStat() method to determine the reason this method failed. Non-zero: GdPicture image identifier. The created image. The ReleaseGdPictureImage() method must be subsequently used to release the image from the memory.

Supported formats are listed here:

Notes for multipage images (TIFF and GIF): By default, the class loads multipage images (GIF and TIFF) in read & write mode. To open multipage images in read-only mode call the TiffOpenMultiPageForWrite() method specifying False for tiff images or the GifOpenMultiFrameForWrite() method for gif images.

See Also