GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan Method / BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan(Int32,BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode,Int32,Boolean) Method
A unique image identifier of the GdPicture image representing the image in use.
A member of the BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode enumeration. The scan mode (speed or quality) used for scanning process.
Specifies the number of barcodes expected to be detected. Use 0 to find all available barcodes within an image.
If this is true and ExpectedCount > 0, the recognition process stops after first ExpectedCount barcodes were found.

In This Topic
BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan(Int32,BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode,Int32,Boolean) Method
In This Topic
Starts a barcode recognition process on a specified GdPicture image or on an area of a specified GdPicture image defined by the GdPictureImaging.SetROI method. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. This method allows you to set the scanning mode parameter as well as to define the required number of barcodes the engine should detect.
Public Overloads Function BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan( _
   ByVal ImageID As Integer, _
   ByVal ScanMode As BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode, _
   ByVal ExpectedCount As Integer, _
   ByVal StopOnExpectedCount As Boolean _
) As GdPictureStatus
public function BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan( 
    ImageID: Integer;
    ScanMode: BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode;
    ExpectedCount: Integer;
    StopOnExpectedCount: Boolean
): GdPictureStatus; 
public function BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan( 
   ImageID : int,
   ScanMode : BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode,
   ExpectedCount : int,
   StopOnExpectedCount : boolean
) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan( 
   int ImageID,
   BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode ScanMode,
   int ExpectedCount,
   bool StopOnExpectedCount
GdPictureStatus BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan( 
   int ImageID,
   BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode ScanMode,
   int ExpectedCount,
   bool StopOnExpectedCount


A unique image identifier of the GdPicture image representing the image in use.
A member of the BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode enumeration. The scan mode (speed or quality) used for scanning process.
Specifies the number of barcodes expected to be detected. Use 0 to find all available barcodes within an image.
If this is true and ExpectedCount > 0, the recognition process stops after first ExpectedCount barcodes were found.

Return Value

A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration. If the method has been successfully followed, then the return value is GdPictureStatus.OK. We strongly recommend always checking this status first.
For more details, please refer to our Barcode Recognition Sample included in the installation folder that demonstrates the usage of this method.

This method requires the Barcode Reading & Writing component to run.

Finding PDF417 barcodes in an image and writing complete barcodes info into a file.
using (GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging())
    int imageID = gdpictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFile("image.jpg", false);
    // Perform scanning at best speed, ignoring very damaged barcodes.
    BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode mode = BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode.BestSpeed;
    // Start the PDF417 barcode scanning process looking for a single barcode and write info into a text file.
    gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan(imageID, mode, 1, true);
    using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("PDF417.txt"))
        int barcodesFound = gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeCount();
        for (int i = 1; i <= barcodesFound; i++)
            // Decoded information.
            file.WriteLine("Decoded info = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeValue(i));
            // The raw bytes decoded. It was post-processed to find the correct decoded info based on detected Encoding.
            file.WriteLine("Raw bytes = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW(i));
            // The number of rows of the barcode.
            file.WriteLine("Rows = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeRows(i));
            // The number of columns of the barcode.
            file.WriteLine("Columns = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeColumns(i));
            // The skew angle of the barcode, in degrees.
            file.WriteLine("Skew angle = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle(i));
            // Confidence in result, in percentage (values from 0 to 100).
            file.WriteLine("Confidence = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeConfidence(i));
            // The barcode position, given by the coordinates of the corners.
            file.WriteLine("Position =  Top-Left=["
                + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX1(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY1(i)
                + "] Top-Right=[" + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX2(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY2(i)
                + "] Bottom-Right=[" + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX3(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY3(i)
                + "] Bottom-Left=[" + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX4(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY4(i) + "]");
    // Release used resources.
See Also