GdPicture14.Annotations Namespace / AnnotationEmbeddedImage Class / LineCap Property

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LineCap Property (AnnotationEmbeddedImage)
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Determines the cap style for stroking operations when DashStyle is different of Solid. Cap is used at the end of the dashes that make up dashed lines drawn.
Public Shadows Property LineCap As GdPictureLineCap
public new GdPictureLineCap LineCap {get; set;}
public read-write property LineCap: GdPictureLineCap; 
public hide function get,set LineCap : GdPictureLineCap
public: __property new GdPictureLineCap get_LineCap();
public: __property new void set_LineCap( 
   GdPictureLineCap value
new property GdPictureLineCap LineCap {
   GdPictureLineCap get();
   void set (    GdPictureLineCap value);
See Also