Package-level declarations


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extension to get the direction icon for the selected PageScrollMode

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extension to get the icon for the selected PageLayoutMode

extension to get the icon for the selected PageScrollDirection

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fun ImageView(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, drawable: Drawable)
fun ImageView(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, @DrawableRes resource: Int)

Compose Wrapper of android.widget.ImageView to show the image.

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Component to display the divider with the given color.

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fun SettingsFieldWithSwitch(state: Boolean, @StringRes textId: Int, theme: SettingsThemeConfiguration, horizontalPadding: Dp, switchEnabled: Boolean = true, onClick: (Boolean) -> Unit)

Composable Title field to display the settings with switch.

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fun SettingsIconButton(icon: Int, selected: Boolean, theme: SettingsThemeConfiguration, enabled: Boolean = true, click: () -> Unit)

Custom IconButton component to display selected / unselected options of the settings.

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fun SettingsPresetItem(preset: Preset, settingsState: SettingsState, onClick: (Preset) -> Unit)

SettingsPresetItem is a custom composable to display SettingsPresetWebView with a title and switch.

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fun SettingsPresetSection(settingsState: SettingsState, click: (Preset) -> Unit)

Custom SettingsPresetSection component act as a container to display the VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL preset of the settings.

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Compose Wrapper of WebView to show VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL pdf scrolling animation.

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fun SettingsTopbar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dialogStyle: ModalDialogStyle, onSettingsClose: () -> Unit)

Compose Wrapper of DialogTitleView to show the title of the settings dialog.