Package-level declarations

Digital signatures.


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Biometric data of a Signature.
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A digital signature stored inside a PDF document.
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data class DigitalSignatureMetadata(val signatureAppearance: SignatureAppearance? = null, val estimatedSize: Int? = null, val hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm? = null, val reason: String? = null, val location: String? = null, val timestampData: TimestampData? = null, val biometricData: BiometricSignatureData? = null) : Parcelable

DigitalSignatureMetadata contains all metadata like appearance config, algorithm and other configuration needed for signing data

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Enum defining the type of digital signatures.

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Detailed status about validity of a DigitalSignatureInfo.
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Validates digital signatures. Use .validateSignature passing it a signature info.

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Contains information about signatures of a document.
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Hash algorithm for digesting PDF data as part of a digital signing process.
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class PublicKey(val publicKeyScheme: String, val keyLength: Int)

Holds info regarding Public Key

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abstract class Signature : Parcelable
Represents a single signature (or signature item).
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Configures the appearance of digital signatures that are added to the document.
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In memory signature bitmap storage that fetches all the available signature bitmaps from the DatabaseSignatureStorage and loads them into signatureBitmapHashMap.

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Contains all the data needed to perform a signing operation.

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SigningManager provides a public API to digitally sign documents with either PAdES advanced digital signatures or basic CMS signatures (see DigitalSignatureType)

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Singleton object that holds the list of trusted certificates used for digital signature validation and signing. By default we load the trusted certificates from the OS as well as Adobe CA certificates from the assets. Add additional root/trusted certificates to this object if you want to use them for signing or validation.

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Represents overall validation status.
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class X509CertificateData(val publicKey: PublicKey?, val issuerCn: String?, val issuerDn: String?, val subjectCn: String?, val subjectDn: String?, val serialNumber: String?, val isSelfSigned: Boolean? = false, val isCaCertificate: Boolean? = false, val validFrom: Date?, val validUntil: Date?)

Provides metadata of signing certificate


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fun getPrivateKeyEntryFromP12Stream(inputStream: InputStream, password: String? = null, alias: String? = null, keyPassword: String? = null): KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry

Convenience method to load a certificate/private key pair from a PKCS#12 file (usually with .p12 extension).

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Takes an input stream containing a PEM encoded private key and returns a PrivateKey instance.

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getX509Certificates fetches the certificateChain and if its null it fetches certificate from the KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry checks if they are X509Certificate and returns all in a list

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Convenience method to load a X.509 certificate from a File.

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Convenience method to load a X.509 certificate from an InputStream.