Package-level declarations


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data class PageZoom(@FloatRange(from = 1.0, to = 15.0) val zoomBy: Float = 1.0f, val pageIndex: Int = 0)

Stores the default zoom level and the offset of the selected zoomed page.

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data class SdkConfiguration(val scrollDirection: PageScrollDirection? = PageScrollDirection.HORIZONTAL, val thumbnailGridEnabled: Boolean = false, val thumbnailBarMode: ThumbnailBarMode? = ThumbnailBarMode.THUMBNAIL_BAR_MODE_FLOATING, val immersiveMode: Boolean = true, val selectedIndex: Int = 0, val pageFitMode: PageFitMode = PageFitMode.FIT_TO_SCREEN, val pageScrollMode: PageScrollMode = PageScrollMode.PER_PAGE, @FloatRange(from = 1.0, to = 15.0) val startZoom: Float = 1.0f, val pageZoom: PageZoom = PageZoom())

Stores the configuration for the SDK.

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class ZoomState(zoom: Float = 1.0f, offset: Offset = Offset.Zero)

Stores local zoomed state of current page


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const val doubleTapZoom: Float = 2.5f

Zoom level when double tapping.

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const val maxZoom: Double = 15.0

Maximum zoom level for the document.

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const val minZoom: Double = 1.0

Minimum zoom level for the document.


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fun calculateDoubleTapOffset(zoom: Float, size: IntSize, tapOffset: Offset): Offset

calculate the new offset with respect to provided zoom level