Class SettingsUiComponentsKt

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • SettingsPresetWebView

        @Composable() final static Unit SettingsPresetWebView(Preset preset, Boolean animationActive, SettingsThemeConfiguration theme)

        Compose Wrapper of WebView to show VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL pdf scrolling animation.

        preset - : Preset input to show the selected animation
        animationActive - : Boolean to enable or disable the animation
        theme - : SettingsThemeConfiguration theme configuration
      • SettingsIconButton

        @Composable() final static Unit SettingsIconButton(Integer icon, Boolean selected, SettingsThemeConfiguration theme, Boolean enabled, Function0<Unit> click)

        Custom IconButton component to display selected / unselected options of the settings.

        icon - : Int drawable resource id to set the icon.
        selected - : Boolean to enable or disable the icon.
        theme - : SettingsThemeConfiguration theme configuration
        enabled - : Boolean to enable or disable the icon.
        click - : () -> Unit function to handle the click event.
      • SettingsPresetSection

        @Composable() final static Unit SettingsPresetSection(SettingsState settingsState, Function1<Preset, Unit> click)

        Custom SettingsPresetSection component act as a container to display the VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL preset of the settings.

        settingsState - : SettingsState input to show the selected animation
        click - : (Preset) -> Unit function to handle the click event.
      • SettingsFieldWithSwitch

        @Composable() final static Unit SettingsFieldWithSwitch(Boolean state, @StringRes() Integer textId, Dp horizontalPadding, Boolean switchEnabled, Function1<Boolean, Unit> onClick)

        Composable Title field to display the settings with switch.

        state - : Boolean input to show the selected option
        textId - : Int input to show the title of the settings
        horizontalPadding - : Dp input to set the horizontal padding of the Composable
        onClick - : (Boolean) -> Unit function to handle the click event.
      • SettingsPresetItem

        @Composable() final static Unit SettingsPresetItem(Preset preset, SettingsState settingsState, Function1<Preset, Unit> onClick)

        SettingsPresetItem is a custom composable to display SettingsPresetWebView with a title and switch.

        preset - : Preset input display preset configuration
        settingsState - : SettingsState input to show the selected preset
        onClick - : (Preset) -> Unit function to handle the click event.