Package com.pspdfkit.document
PDF document API (classes for accessing document content and meta-data).
See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description PdfValueType Type of a value stored in the PDF document stream. DocumentPermissions A set of flags specifying which operations shall be permitted when the document is opened with user access. OutlineElementState State to manage if outline elements are expanded or collapsed PdfBox Types of supported PDF page boxes. DestinationType This enumeration defines a particular view of a document, part of a Destination. PdfVersion PDF versions supported by PSPDFKit. PageBinding Enum of the possible page bindings deciding how the document will be displayed. -
Class Summary Class Description PdfValue This represents a value stored inside a PDF document stream. ImageDocumentUtils Collection of helper methods for working with ImageDocuments. Destination A destination defines a particular view of a document, consisting of the following items: - The page of the document that shall be displayed. ImageDocumentLoader Helper class for loading ImageDocument from a DocumentSource. PdfDocumentLoader Provides methods to obtain PdfDocument instances. DocumentSource Represents a document source which may be a DataProvider or a file Uri. Builder Builder for OutlineElement. OutlineElement A document outline element (or "table of contents entry"), usually the header of a chapter. DocumentSaveOptions Configures options for saving a document. -
Interface Summary Interface Description DocumentActionListener Handles PDF actions triggered inside the PDF document - these are usually things like button presses, form submission, etc. PdfDocument A PDF document. ImageDocument An image document. -
Annotation Summary Annotation Description PageRotation Indicates that the returned value is a page rotation. OutlineElementStyle Style of outline element text.